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  Lucifer, the fallen angel, has awaken with the power of Poseidon, Eris and Abel. He has 4 angel warriors to protect him. But how does Lucifer relate to "Greek Gods" like Athena, I have no idea. The religion part in this movie is quite messed up! If I have made any mistakes, please contact me at askldjd@softhome.net and provide me the correction. Thank You!
Name: Lucifer
God: Fallen Angel
Special Technique: I think he can pretty much do anything he wants
Name: Astaroth
Constellation: Cherubim
Special Technique: Killer Fanged Cobra
Name: Eligol
Constellation: Virtigul
Special Technique: Seimo Tonron Ken
(Great Demon Mantis Fist)
Name: Moa
Constellation: Sloan
Special Technique: Demon Fantasy
Name: Belzebuth
Constellation: Seraph (6 wings angel)
Special Technique: Garuda Hell Wing